Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

PT. Amerta Indah Otsuka


PT. Amerta Indah Otsuka

Menjadi perusahaan yang brilian, dengan memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan dan terpercaya bagi konsumen serta masyarakat.
  • Mengembangkan dan mempertahankan karyawan yang berkualitas tinggi untuk menghasilkan produk berkualitas tinggi.
  • Menjadikan kebutuhan dan kesejahteraan konsumen dan masyarakat sebagai prioritas utama.
  • Menangkap peluang di semua aspek secara tepat dan inovatif untuk kesejahteraan dan kepuasan konsumen serta perkembangan perusahaan.
  • Mengembangkan dan mempertahankan hubungan yang saling menguntungkan dengan rekan bisnis.
  • Menjadi perusahaan yang terpercaya.
KEY Account Representatif (Jakarta Raya)
  • Male or Female, with max age 32 years old
  • Min. Diploma degree from reputable university
  • Have min. 1 year in modern market area
  • Excellent using Microsoft Office
  • Have great negotiation and leadership skill
Untuk info lengkap klik di sini http://www.aio.co.id/index.php/id/careers

Tingkat Pendidikan: Diploma
Pengalaman: 0-2 tahun
Jenis Pekerjaan:
Kategori: Pemasaran dan Penjualan, Sales Promotion, Marketing
Tanggal Berakhir: 26-04-2012
Lokasi: Jakarta





- Mengenal area solo
- Memiliki etos kerja sales
- Target oriented
- Memiliki sepeda motor

Kirim Lamaran : Jl. Duwet No.38 Karangasem Laweyan Solo

Tingkat Pendidikan: SMA/Sederajat
Pengalaman: 0-2 tahun
Jabatan: Pemula
Gaji: Competitive
Jenis Pekerjaan: Yang Lain
Kategori: Marketing
Tanggal Berakhir: 27-04-2012
Lokasi: Solo/Surakarta - Jawa Tengah



PT. Kompas Cyber Media


PT. Kompas Cyber Media

Account Executive (Code : Ae)
Qualifications : Untuk info lengkap silakan klik di sini http://www.kompas.com/karir

Tingkat Pendidikan: Sarjana
Pengalaman: 0-2 tahun
Jenis Pekerjaan:
Kategori: Sales Promotion
Tanggal Berakhir: 27-04-2012
Lokasi: Jakarta



PT. Kompas Cyber Media


PT. Kompas Cyber Media

Mobile Business Executive (Code : Mbe)
Qualifications : Untuk info lengkap silakan klik di sini http://www.kompas.com/karir

Tingkat Pendidikan: Sarjana
Pengalaman: 0-2 tahun
Jenis Pekerjaan:
Kategori: Pemasaran dan Penjualan, Manajemen Produk
Tanggal Berakhir: 27-04-2012
Lokasi: Jakarta



PT. Kompas Cyber Media


PT. Kompas Cyber Media 

Channel Supervisor For Midazz (Code : Channel Midazz)
Qualifications : Untuk info lengkap silakan klik di sini http://www.kompas.com/karir

Tingkat Pendidikan: Sarjana
Pengalaman: 2-4 tahun
Jenis Pekerjaan:
Kategori: Pemasaran dan Penjualan
Tanggal Berakhir: 27-04-2012
Lokasi: Jakarta




PT. Kompas Cyber Media


PT. Kompas Cyber Media 

We are an established online news media, focus on Internet technology, multimedia and e-commerce.  

Secretary For Sales & Marketing Department (Code : Secretary)
Qualifications : Untuk info lengkap silakan klik di sini http://www.kompas.com/karir

Tingkat Pendidikan: Diploma
Pengalaman: 2-4 tahun
Jenis Pekerjaan:
Kategori: Pemasaran dan Penjualan
Tanggal Berakhir: 27-04-2012
Lokasi: Jakarta



PT. Kompas Cyber Media


PT. Kompas Cyber Media 

Advertising Sales Supervisor (Code : Ae Spv)
Qualifications : Untuk info lengkap silakan klik di sini http://www.kompas.com/karir

Tingkat Pendidikan: Sarjana
Pengalaman: 4-6 tahun
Jenis Pekerjaan:
Kategori: Pemasaran dan Penjualan, Sales Promotion
Tanggal Berakhir: 27-04-2012
Lokasi: Jakarta







Bank Bukopin yang sejak berdirinya tanggal 10 Juli 1970 menfokuskan diri pada segmen UMKMK, saat ini telah tumbuh dan berkembang menjadi bank yang masuk ke kelompok bank menengah di Indonesia dari sisi aset. Seiring dengan terbukanya kesempatan dan peningkatan kemampuan melayani kebutuhan masyarakat yang lebih luas, Bank Bukopin telah mengembangkan usahanya ke segmen komersial dan konsumer. Ketiga segmen ini merupakan pilar bisnis Bank Bukopin, dengan pelayanan secara konvensional maupun syariah, yang didukung oleh sistem pengelolaan dana yang optimal, kehandalan teknologi informasi, kompetensi sumber daya manusia dan praktek tata kelola perusahaan yang baik. Landasan ini memungkinkan Bank Bukopin melangkah maju dan menempatkannya sebagai suatu bank yang kredibel. Operasional Bank Bukopin kini didukung oleh lebih dari 280 kantor yang tersebar di 22 provinsi di seluruh Indonesia yang terhubung secara real time on-line. Bank Bukopin juga telah membangun jaringan micro-banking yang diberi nama “Swamitra”, yang kini berjumlah 543 outlet, sebagai wujud program kemitraan dengan koperasi dan lembaga keuangan mikro
Bertanggung jawab dalam mengelola dan mengkoordinasi berbagai kegiatan di Bagian Sistem pengolahan data dan pelaporan dalam rangka menyajikan informasi dan laporan secara informatif dan akurat perihal perkembangan bisnis Konsumer kepada pihak internal maupun eksternal untuk pengambilan keputusan dan pemenuhan ketentuan pelaporan.

Penempatan: Jakarta

- Wanita/ Pria
- IPK minimal 2.6
- S1 Segala Jurusan
- Memiliki pengalaman kerja di bisnis perbankan/ multi finance min 1 tahun

Persyaratan Umum:
- Bertanggung jawab.
- Memiiliki interpersonal skill yang baik.
- Memiliki integritas yang baik, disiplin, dan berkomitmen tinggi.
- Memiliki orientasi yang kuat terhadap nasabah.
- Memiliki kemauan yang kuat untuk belajar dan bekerja untuk mencapai hasil sebaik-baiknya.
- Mampu bekerja dalam tim maupun bekerja dengan target individual.
- Kandidat tidak pernah diberhentikan secara tidak hormat dari instansi atau Badan Hukum Pemerintah maupun Swasta.
- Memiliki surat keterangan berkelakuan baik dari kepolisian
- Sehat secara jasmani dan rohani: tidak buta warna baik partial maupun total, bebas dari pengaruh narkotika dan zat aditif lainnya.

Persyaratan Khusus:
- Memiliki networking yang luas.
- Memahami siklus bisnis dan operasional perbankan serta regulasi terkait

Untuk info lengkap silakan klik di sini http://www.bukopin.co.id/ID/karir.cfm

Tingkat Pendidikan: Sarjana
Pengalaman: 0-2 tahun
Jenis Pekerjaan:
Kategori: Pemasaran dan Penjualan
Tanggal Berakhir: 27-04-2012
Lokasi: Jakarta



Jumat, 23 Maret 2012



Dibutuhkan Account Executive.
- Membicarakan perihal pemasangan iklan kepada klien
- Global promo
- Data entry
- Penghubung antara Perusahaan dan Klien iklan

Tingkat Pendidikan: Diploma
Pengalaman: 0-2 tahun
Jabatan: Pemula
Gaji: Competitive
Jenis Pekerjaan: Yang Lain
Kategori: Marketing Komunikasi, Promosi, Public Relation
Tanggal Berakhir: 26-04-2012
Lokasi: Jakarta Selatan - Jakarta



Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

PT. Nusantara Indah Berseri


PT. Nusantara Indah Berseri 

Kami merupakan Tabloid Cetak dan Online "Desamodern" yang berdomisili di Jakarta, yang fokus kepada Pembangunan Daerah Indonesia. 

Kami merupakan tabloid cetak dan online "Desamodern" yang berkembang dengan segmen khusus mengenai Pembangunan Daerah Indonesia.
Kami membutuhkan :
Marketing Staff
Persyaratan :
  • Wanita Usia Maksimal 30 Tahun
  • Belum Menikah
  • Pendidikan Minimal D3 
  • Berpengalaman Di Bidang Marketing Diutamakan
  • Mau Bekerja Keras Dapat Bekerjasama Dalam Team
  • Mampu mengendarai dan memiliki Sepeda Motor
  • Mengerti Kota Jakarta 
Silahkan kirim lamaran dan CV, Photo ke info@desamodern.com

Tingkat Pendidikan: Diploma
Pengalaman: 0-2 tahun
Jabatan: Pemula
Gaji: Negotiable
Jenis Pekerjaan: Kontraktor/Konsultant
Kategori: Marketing Komunikasi, Marketing, Public Relation
Tanggal Berakhir: 27-04-2012
Lokasi: Jakarta Selatan - Jakarta



Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

PT Bank Syariah Mandiri

PT Bank Syariah Mandiri operates as a bank, which provides depository and loan services. The bank is based in Jakarta, Indonesia. PT Bank Syariah Mandiri operates as a subsidiary of PT Bank Mandiri. PT Bank Syariah Mandiri comes as the bank that combines idealism with the business of spiritual values that underlie its operations. Harmony between the ideals of business and spiritual values that is the one of the benefits of PT Bank Syariah Mandiri as an alternative to banking services in Indonesia.

We need a proactive person who loves working with people or support others to succeed. Who proud of the work and the results of their work, and have the integrity, accuracy and self-actualization. Bank Syariah Mandiri invites professionals to fill the position:

Untuk mengisi posisi :

1. Penaksir Gadai (PG)
2. Customer Service (CS)

Dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut :

1. Pria dan Wanita (usia maksimal 27 tahun).
2. Lulusan D3 / S1 Universitas Negeri /Swasta.
3. Berpenampilan Menarik dan komunikatif.
4. Sehat Jasmani & Rohani (PG & CS)
5. Tinggi Badan min. 158 cm
6. Memiliki Relasi yang Luas
7. Dapat Bekerja Mandiri dan Team.
8. Jujur, Menyukai Kerja Keras dan Tantangan.
9. Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman transaksi gadai (PG)
10. Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman menaksir logam mulia, khususnya emas (PG).
11. Mampu mengoperasionalkan komputer.

Kirimkan surat lamaran via pos dengan melampirkan Daftar Riwayat Hidup, pas photo 4 x 6 dan full body, copy Ijazah, no. Telp yang mudah dihubungi dan dokumen lainnya yang mendukung, ke :

Bagian Sumber Daya Insani
PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri Cabang Cilacap
Jl. A. Yani No. 97 Cilacap
Telp. (0282) 531015.

Cantumkan kode jabatan yang dilamar pada sebelah kiri atas amplop lamaran. Paling lambat tanggal 31 Maret 2012


Fajar Benua Indopack

Fajar Benua Indopack was established in 1984 as a trading company, selling sealing and insulation products. Today, we have largely expanded our line of business with high technology products such as Expansion Joints, Mechanical Seals, Fluoroplastic Lining, Advanced Application Hoses ,and Exotic Metal Pressure Vessels. In addition to that, we extremely focus on Service works such as Stress Analysis, Installation, Construction, Troubleshooting, and Emergency Breakdown Repair.


Max. age 35 years
Having experiences in Engineering.
D3/S1 from Mechanical Engineer
Having good interpersonal and communication skills, good in team work.
Available immediately
Will be located in Padang, Jabodetabek, Balikpapan, Surabaya & Makassar

Should you meet the above requirement, please send your application letter and complete CV to:


Jl. Mayor Oking Jayaatmaja No.88, Cibinong 16911,
West Java
(62)21-6511234, 8753870, 87918838



leader in power and automation technologies that enable utility and industry customers to improve performance while lowering environmental impact. The ABB Group of companies operates in around 100 countries in around 100 countries and employs around 111.000 people.

Having been present in Indonesia since 1980s, ABB acts through PT ABB Sakti Industri, PT ABB Transmission and Distribution, and PT ABB Instlallation Materials. ABB Indonesia are spread across Indonesia and we are looking for young talent to be placed at our office in Medan, Balikpapan, Surabaya, Pekanbaru and Jakarta.

To answer the growth challenge, we encourage personal initiative entrepreneurial behavior and seek to offer challenging and rewarding work environments. Join us!

SENIOR / APPLICATION ENGINEER (Automation) - Power Generation

Execution of plant automation system projects within schedule and budget
Carry out design, engineering implementation, testing and commissioning to meet customer’s technical specifications and requirements
Collaborate with various stakeholders to achieve excellent customer experience
Maintain proper engineering workflow, procedures and documentations according to ISO9001 requirements and ABB standards
Provide timely and accurate status updates to project manager and lead engineer


Diploma or Degree in Electrical Engineering
Proven record of more than 3 years experience in design or engineering projects for industrial plants
Experience in power plant projects or commissioning process automation systems added advantage
Exhibit and demonstrate a high level of initiative
Resourceful, team player, possesses good interpersonal and communication skills

A better world begins with you

Interested candidates who meet the above requirements, please email your detailed resume and expected salary to : career@sg.abb.com

Please indicate "Senior/Application Engineer (Automation) - Power Generation" to your email subject heading


Newmont Nusa Tenggara (PTNNT)

Newmont Nusa Tenggara (PTNNT) operates the Batu Hijau copper/gold mine in West Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB). PTNNT is committed to becoming a leader in safety, environmental stewardship and social responsibility. The Company is inviting skilled, trained, highly committed and dedicated Indonesian professionals to be part of our team in Sumbawa for the position:


The Supply Chain (SC) Assets Manager is responsible to plan, develop, organize. control and coordinate work activities relating to Inventory Site Receipt and Control, Cataloguing, Warehouse Operations, Investment Recovery, Repairable Components and Supply Chain Management Reporting functions to support PTNNT Operations in accordance with PTNNT standards, policies and procedures, Indonesian Law and Batu Hijau Mine Contract of Work. Provide leadership and management to ensure a high level of customer support and service is extended to end-user departments through cost effective and efficient warehouse and inventory asset activities combined with optimal risk evaluated inventory levels and replenishment settings. PTNNT SC Assets Management requires a strong emphasis on, conducting safe warehousing operations, attentive user needs and planning coordination, asset protection and safe-keeping, and inventory optimization. Inventory assets include major bulk commodities such as coal, diesel fuel, lubricants. lime, grinding media, ammonium nitrate, process chemicals plus tires, mill liners, heavy mobile and fixed equipment parts and consumables, building and constcution materials etc.

Qualification :
• Recognized experience in warehousing, inventory, materials management or equivalent.
• Certified of Competency for First Operational Supervisor of OHS and Mine Environment from DEMR.
• Degree in business, law, engineering, supply chain or equivalent.
• Minimum 10 years experience in remote mining area warehousing and inventory management with a minimum 2 of those years working in Indonesia,
• Experienced MIMS / ELLIPSE user.
• Professionally Certified in International SCM, Warehousing, Purchasing or equivalent.
• Understanding of relevant Indonesian business, importation, mines and energy regulations.
• Well developed computer skills to be able to implement and maintain effective processes and procedures.
• Strong communication, organization and personnel skills, strong analytical capabilities, sound business sense, advanced documentation skills with high attention to detail,
• Working knowledge of Bahasa Indonesia.


Responsibility :
To assist Senior Specialist Boat & Aviation In order to align air transport operational with Newmont Safety Management Standards, Indonesian Civil Aviation Safety Regulation, and International Civil Aviation Organization standards. Bring the technical expertise to the ‘Air Transportation Operations, Technical Support & Reporting and the Emergency Response Plan by providing advice on air transport best practices. To ensure air transport operation conducts in a safety, regularity and efficient manner.

Qualification :
• Posses Diploma of Civil Aviation Training Centre
• Posses legal and valid Aviation Safety Management System (SMS) Certificate
• Posses legal and valid Air Traffic Control (ATC) License.
• Posses Aviation Fuel Type NB Certificats.
• Posses Helicopter Landing Officer (HLO) Certificate.
• Desirably Skill, Knowledge, Training, and Experience.
• Minimum ten years experience within aviation operation is preferred
• Completed Company Aviation Safety Officer Training (CASO).
• Completed Aerodrome Auditor Training.
• Completed Aviation Fire Fighting Training
• Completed Dangerous Goods Training.
• Completed first aid training.
• Able and have knowledge to handle “Aircraft Distress Call” for Helicopter and Sea Plane.
• Having knowledge about Radio Telephony.
• Having knowledge about Rules of the air (ROA) and Air Traffic Services (ATS).
• Having knowledge about Search and Rescue Operation.
• Having knowledge about Meteorology.
• Good interpersonal skill
• Well-developed team building skills, time management and people management skills.
• Familiar with Personal Computer Application such as Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office and Citrix. Mush have a speaking and communications skills and be able to speak to groups and communicate abstract concepts.


Responsibility :
• The safety and health of our workforce one of our most important objectives and a core value at PTNNT. Our primary focus remains directly linked to improving the safety and health environment in which our people work. The position of Senior Specialist Port and Town reports directly to the Manger SHLP Operations and to us achieving our SHLP
objectives across our operations.
• To provide SHLP advice and expertise across a broad range of activities in the Port and Town facilities.
• Facilitate and assist the application of site wide SHLP initiates in the area of responsibility.
• Ensure that effective safety systems and procedures are in place.
• Provide SHLP advice and support to managers and line supervisors.
• Provide leadership coaching and mentoring for 7 direct reports.
• Facilitate risk assessments and develop risk mitigation plans.
• Conduct workplace inspections and system audits.
• Ensure compliance with company and corporate SHLP policies, procedures and programs.
• Analyze safety data and trends and develop programs to address deficiencies.
• Ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements.

Qualification :
• Possess a University Degree in SHLP or related field or with significant industry experience in a similar role (minimum 10 years). Must understand SHLP Management philosophies with a high understanding of Indonesian safety regulations.
• The position will require the incumbent to have a high level of communication skills.
• The incumbent will have previous supervisory experience in a similar role.
• The position places demands on time and therefore the incumbent will be required to be self-motivated in their approach and have the ability to prioritize work in order to drive continuous improvement in PTNNT Safety, Health, and Loss Prevention Programs.
• Possession of a high standard of management skills will bean essential element of the position.
• Must be able to speak to groups and communicate abstract concepts.
• Preferred English speaking and report writing capability.


Responsibility :
Build skill, competency and ability to ensure Process Operation projects goals are achieved and aligned with the Mine Plan, production and personnel development plans are also realized.

Qualification :
• A tertiary degree in Metallurgy or relevant engineering discipline and a minimum of six years in the mining and mineral processing industry in a supervisory level position is essential.
• Proven knowledge of mineral processing, particularly in grinding and base metals beneficiation techniques is essential.
• Proven track record in technical project evaluation, management and control is essential.
• Highly developed problem solving, analytical thinking and creative thinking skills are essential.
• Excellent written, verbal and presentation skills are essential. Must be able to communicate effectively at all levels of the organization.
• Ability or willingness to acquire good communication skills in Bahasa Indonesia language.
• Advanced Microsoft Excel skills.
• Demonstrating Newmont values and holding others accountable for doing the same.
• Influence, impact and motivation (up, down and sideways through organization),
• Teamwork and team building.
• Leading and developing others.
• Aligning plans with safety.
• Technical knowledge of mining/processing processes and systems.
• Broad understanding of geology, mining and processing technical issues and operating processes/Systems.
• Applying continuous improvement tools.
• Proven team work and proactive independent work ethic.


Responsibility :
• Directs and plans the activities of the Meta1lurgical Plant Downstream activities.
• Assist in other cost and revenue improvement activities as directed by the Senior Metallurgist.

Qualification :
• A tertiary degree in Metallurgy or relevant engineering discipline and a minimum of three years in the mining and mineral processing industry in a supervisory level position is essential.
• Certified Competency for Frontline Operational Supervisor of OHS and Mine Environment from DEMR.
• Proven knowledge of mineral processing, particularly in grinding and base metals beneficiation techniques is essential.
• Proven track record in technical project evaluation, management and control is essential.
• Highly developed problem solving, analytical thinking and creative thinking skills are essential.
• Excellent written, verbal and presentations skill are essential. Must be able to communicate affectively at levels of the organization.
• Ability or willingness to acquire good communication skills in Bahasa Indonesia language.
• Advanced Microsoft Excel skills.
• Demonstrating Newmont values and holding others accountable for doing the same,
• Influence, impact and motivation (up, down and sideways through organization).
• Teamwork and team building.
• Leading and developing others.
• Aligning plans with safety.
• Technical knowledge of mining/processing processes and systems.
• Broad understanding of geology, mining and processing technical issues and operating processes/systems.
• Applying continuous Improvement tools.
• Proven team work and proactive independent work ethic.


Responsibility :
To supervise and run the project of Community Development Infrastructure, to meet quality, time and budget

Qualification :
• Education minimal Senior High School or higher.
• Experience at Civil construction and CMI Work at least 5 years.
• Familiar with Safety and Environmental standard.
• Good communication and relationship.
• Good commitment and responsible to the project
• Speak Bahasa Sumbawa.


Responsibility :
To perform Short Range Scheduling, Project and Planning functions including: developing daily, weekly and monthly dump and stockpile plans and schedules, dewatering/pit drainage, project activity, dump design, and dump reclamation and equipment analysis. To performs technical functions and activities in support of the Mine Engineering Department and Mine Operations Departments the results of which impact mine economics and mine operations.

Qualification :
• B.Sc. or MSc Degree in Mine Engineering or related field and three to five (3-5) years of directly related experience is required.
• Certified of Competency for Frontline Operational Supervisor of OHS and Mine Environment from DEMR.
• Advanced technical knowledge of mine engineering is required.

Aft applications Will be treated confidentially and must be sent no later than 7 days after the publication of this advertisement. Please specify position name and code you are applying for on the top right corner of your application letter Only short listed candidates wilt be contacted

Send your application letter to:
HR Recruitment - PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara
J1. Sriwijaya No. 258, Mataram 83126, NTB, Indonesia PO. BOX 1022
Fax: 0370-636318 Ext. 48042, e-mail: PTNNT.Recruitment@nnt.co.id


Tambangraya Megah Tbk

Tambangraya Megah Tbk or ‘ITM’ is a leading Indonesian supplier of coal to the world’s energy markets. We aim to set the highest standards in the areas of good corporate governance, environmental compliance and safety. All our activities are conducted in close collaboration with host communities and other stakeholders. We have a trackrecord of strong growth over the last five years – and we are preparing for further expansion in the years ahead. The company was listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange in December 2007.

As a subsidiary of BANPU, an energetic energy provider in Asia, we are ready to give attractive opportunity for your career development for the following qualified personnel :

1. Dept. Head Compliance Checking (Code: CC)

• S1 degree in Legal, internal Audit
• Having mm 6 years experiences in the compliance area know well about operational process and mining regulatory
• Understanding in compliance process, experience with the compliance process in the mining business will be preferred
• Precise and accurate in managing the data

2. Dept. Head Risk Management (Code: RM)

• S1 degree in Business/ Economy Management
• Having min 6 years experiences in enterprise risk management and or mining operation
• Understanding and experience in managing the risk management system (ISO 31000)

3. Contractor Management Analyst (Code: CMA)

• Bachelor degree in Legal
• Master degree in Business Administration or Management will be of advantage
• 2-3 years of work experience in related fields (Contract Management, Procurement, Operations, Business Development)
• Excellent in English
• Willing to travel
• Candidates from other industries are welcome to apply
• Good interpersonal and organizational skills
• Highly self-motivated and strong analytical skills
• Computer literate (MS Office)
• Creative, self-starter, team player and having self-integrity

4. Good Corporate Governance Compliance Officer (Code: GCG)

• S1 degree in Management and legal
• Having min 4 years experiences in the area of GCG in a public company
• To ensure corporate governance compliance
• To ensure and update with corporate governance developments
• To manage adoption of corporate governance best practices
• To review and update corporate governance manuals from time to time

5. Change Management Manager (Code CMM)

• S1 degree in Business / Economy Management
• Having min 7 years experiences in Project management by PMBOK
• Good Understanding of Business Process Management Concept (BPM)
• od analytical skill and proper business conceptual (lean six sigma, bsc,ssnd spss,vbm,)
• Have basic knowledge of mining, power generation and related field
• Good Communication and interpersonal skills
• Develop change management plan

6. Performance Management Analyst (Code: PMA)

• Analysing Business and Operations Performance
• Perform financial analysis
• Improve business performance through process improvements
• Risk Analysis
• Coordination

7. Senior OHS Specialist (Code: OHS)

• Min S1 safety engineer, chemical engineer,
• Having min 6 years OHS experience preferably in area with exposure to Operations
• A minimum of 2 year international exposure.
• Should have held similar managerial position previously in an oil & gas, petrochemical or mining setting
• Good verbal, written, and Interpersonal communication skills; proficiency in written and spoken English essential (mm 750 TOEIC score)
• Having OHS risk assessment skills, coaching skills, project management skills

8. Coal Sampling & Analysis (Code CSA)

• S1 degree chemical
• Having min.2 years experiences and having basic knowledge of calibration
• Understanding coal
• Manage spare part & consumable

9. Dept. Head Mine Plan Engineer (Code: MPE)

• S1 degree in mining major
• Having min 7 years experiences in mine planning
• Provide yearly and quarterly plan
• Ensure production capacity in term of tong term production
• Develop and maintain mine planning procedure.

10. Senior Mine Engineering (Code: SME)

• S1 Degree in Mine-Engineering
• Min. 5 years experiences in Mine Planning
• For Mine Planning experience in long term mine planning mining engineering support, mining engineering project study/evaluation project
• Familiar with mining software (Minescape, Vulcan, Surpac, Minex)

11. IT infrastructure (Code: ITI)

• Bachelor Degree in Information technology
• More than 2 years experience as network development
• Actively participate and govern in application and infrastructure fleet management system configuration, master data fleet management system and application information security management
• Actively participate in fleet management system report customization
• Accountable for application sustainable program after the implementation phase e.g application and infrastructure configuration, system extension, etc


1. Good communication in both written and spoken English
2. Good interpersonal and organizational skills
3. Highly self-motivated and strong analytical skills
4. Computer literate (MS Office)
5. Creative, self-starter, team player and having self-integrity
6. Number 1 - 7 for placement at Jakarta Office
7. Number 8 - 11 for placement at Site/ Kalimantan Timur
8. Only qualified candidates with the qualification above that will be processed to the next step

Please send your application with a comprehensive CV (include Salary Expectation) and a recent photograph, within 2 weeks after this advertising published with email address:

(Please write Position Name and Code in email subject)

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for futher selection process



AQUATIC PLANT CENTER INDONESIA, an aquatic plants exporter from Indonesia. We were built in 2009. We have been supplying our products for any country in the world. We have so many several of aquatic plants, esspecially for Anubias.

Invites high competent Professionals people to join our company as:

“Quality Control”

This position will report to Farm Manager. The incumbent is responsible for: implementing a disciplined Quality Assurance policy, standard & procedure to ensure the achievement of high quality of aquatic plant products are maintained by all process.

Qualification :

• At least D3 degree, preferably S1 in University degree in agriculture faculty / agronomy and horticulture department
• Good command in English both verbal & written
• Good analytical and problem solving skills
• Willing to work in shift and team
• Willing to be placed in Bogor

If you consider that you are the right candidate please send your recent comprehensive resume to :

PT Aquatic Plant Center Indonesia
Desa Cijayanti, Kecamatan Babakan Madang, Sentul-Bogor.

CP: Noviana Budiarti
Email: novi@apcindo.co.id
Subject: QC

Note: not more than March 22, 2012. Only qualified candidates will be notified and invited for interviews. --- Update :


SCG Chemicals

Chemicals Co., Ltd is a subsidiary of the Siam Cement Group (SCG) and is one of the Group’s 5 core businesses. SCG was established since 1913. At present, SCG has 5 core businesses encompassing chemicals, paper, cement, building materials, and distribution.

SCG embarked upon the chemicals business in 1989. At present, SCG Chemicals manufactures and supplies a full range of petrochemical products ranging from upstream petrochemicals such as Olefins, intermediate petrochemicals such as Styrene monomer, PTA, and MMA, to downstream petrochemicals such as Polyethylene, Polypropylene, Polyvinyl Chloride, and Polystyrene resins. SCG Chemicals is now one of the largest integrated petrochemical companies in Thailand and a key industry leader in the Asia-Pacific region. Widely accepted for its quality products as well as excellent management and operational prowess, SCG Chemicals has entered into joint venture deals with a number of the world’s leading chemicals firms including The Dow Chemical Company of U.S.A, Mitsui Chemicals and Mitsubishi Rayon of Japan.

The relentless commitment to quality and environmental management has won SCG Chemicals many prestigious awards including the Deming Application Prize from the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineer (JUSE), the TPM Excellence Award from Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance (JIPM)

and the Prime Minister’s Industry Award for outstanding achievement in environmental conservation.

SCG Chemicals has a policy of expanding its investment and business overseas. At present, the export sales volume of polyolefins products amounted to more than half of the total sales. SCG Chemicals exports its polyolefins products to more than 100 countries across the world. Currently, SCG Chemicals has sales representative offices in 7 countries including China, Indonesia, Japan, Myanmar, the Philippines, UAE , and Vietnam.

SCG Plastics Co,.Ltd Representative Office Indonesia

Position : Sales Support

Place of work : Bangkok Bank Building (6th fl.) Jl. M. H. Thamrin No. 3, Jakarta, Indonesia



- Female, Age 23 – 30 years old.

Education background

- Bachelor's degree all major
- Very strong command in spoken and written English.

Working experiences

- Possess min.1 years working experience in sales support.Experience in plastic or chemical industrial products is an advantage.
- Excellent in communication and good in administrative skills.

Job description

- Managing the correspondence between the sales team and their customer.
- Monitoring customer accounts and assist customers on credit management and payment in order to keep track of sales process
- Providing data and report to help sales team and customer.
- Handle customer claims and complaints.

Contact person :

Mr. Pongsak Pianpanawate E-mail : pongspia@scg.co.th

Position : Marketing & Business Development Analyst , Marketing & Business Development Manager


To conduct marketing researches, analysis of domestic & international market, and evaluation of investment opportunities to give sound strategic recommendations to management in order to improve company’s profitability and business competitiveness.


General Requirements:

- Age 25-35
- Excellent English speaking, reading, writing


- Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Business, Marketing, Economics, or Engineering


- 5-10 years of experience in Business Development, Planning, or Marketing Research

Specific Skill/Ability:

- Understanding of petrochemical industry from upstream to downstream, especially olefin and polyolefin.
- Ability to conduct feasibility study and construct financial model for investment projects.
- Basic marketing analysis tools
- Basic managerial finance and accounting
- Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)
- Ability to travel domestic and abroad

Other Skill/Ability (Extra):


Please send your resume to : kitikun@capcx.com and put subject on it.


Energi Batu Hitam ( EBH )

Energi Batu Hitam ( EBH ), part of one of the largest and highly reputable group, that operates and is a market leader in multiple business segments in Indonesia. To support our coal mining exploration and production development in West Kutai, East Kalimantan, we required highly qualified professionals to fill the following vacancies :

Mining Operational Site Manager (MOS MGR) - Jakarta Raya


Responsible to overall site and production activities
Manage both of Safety and Environment aspect in mining operations
Manage mining operations to achieve production target of quantity, quality, and time schedule
Manage mining operation in sustainable operations and good mining practice
Manage budget
Leading and managing subordinate and developing an open ethical working environment


Male, 35-45 years
Minimum Bachelor Degree in Mining Engineer from reputable University, min GPA 3.0
Experience at least 5 years as Mine Manager
Expert in mine planning, production operations, coal processing, and coal quality control
Certified at chief mining (Kepala Teknik Tambang) are preferable
Ready to work at Site area

Health, Safety and Environment Superintendent (HSS)
Kalimantan Timur - Muara Lawa


Developing HSE management system and programs
Coordinating and monitoring the implementation of HSE program


Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree or Master's Degree / Post Graduate Degree in Engineering (Mining), Engineering (Geology), Engineering (Environmental/Health/Safety), Engineering (Industrial) or equivalent.
At least 8 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
Preferably Coordinator/Supervisors specializing in Engineering - Environmental/Health/Safety or equivalent. Job role in Environmental, Health & Safety Engineer Environmental, Health & Safety Engineer or equivalent.
Understands relevant Indonesian as well as international SHE standards

Mining Geodetic Supervisor (MGD SPV) - Jakarta Raya


Field data collection including the measurement of situation, topography, point of the drilling, land ownership boundaries, boundary of mines, limit land hoarding, cut and fill
Data processing into a calculation of the dimension and volume (area, volume of deposit, etc)
Monitoring of mining activities and infrastructure development


Male, age 30-35 years old
Minimum Bachelor Degree in Geodetic or Geomatic Engineer from reputable University, min GPA 3.0
5 years experience in mining and civil projects (road, bridge, and building)
Able to operate survey equipment including Theodolite, Total Station, GPS Geodetic, Hand Held GPS, Compass, etc
Able to operate software and others supporting survey software D12, Surpac, AutoCad, Arc View, Map Info, GIS, etc
Ready to work at site area

Mine Plan Superintendent (MPS SPT) - Jakarta Raya


Preparing concept of short, medium and long term of mine plan
Controlling and evaluating of mine plan
Controlling mine geotechnical, hydrology and geohydrology, mine surveying, coal quality control


Male, 30-40 years, posses at least a Bachelor Degree in Mining Engineering or Geology or equivalent
Has at least 7 years of working experiences in coal mining companies with at least 4 years in mine planning, has excellent skills operating mining software such as Minescape, Minex, Surpac, Vulcan, AutoCad, spreadsheets
Understand relevant mining technical aspects: geotechnical, hydrology and geohydrology, mine surveying, coal quality control
Understand relevant mining regulation and codes as well as applicable coal – related environment regulation
Ready to work at site area
Preparing concept of short, medium and long term of mine plan
Controlling and evaluating of mine plan
Controlling mine geotechnical, hydrology and geohydrology, mine surveying, coal quality control

Mine Plan Supervisor (MPN SPV) - Jakarta Raya


Preparing annual mine plan in monthly basis
Controlling progress of short term mine operation (weekly and daily)


Male, age 25-35 years, posses at least a Bachelor Degree in Mining Engineering / Geology or equivalent
Has at least 5 years of working experiences in coal mining companies with at least 2 years in mine planning, has excellent skill operating mining software such as Minescape, Minex, Surpac, Vulcan, AutoCad and spreadsheets
Understand relevant mining regulation and codes as well as applicable coal - related environment regulation
Ready to work at site area
Preparing annual mine plan in monthly basis
Controlling progress of short term mine operation (weekly and daily)

We offer attractive compensation and benefits for the suitable candidates. If you are qualified for the above position, please send your CV and photograph 4x6 at the latest 14 days after this advertisement to : hrd@ebh-coal.com


Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk

Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk is an international Liquid Cargo Shipping Company, established in 1981, with operations primarily throughout Asia and the Middle East, as well as Europe. The Company is operating 88 tankers with total tonnage of more than 2.08 million DWT and is the largest provider of seaborne transportation of liquid cargoes in Indonesia, one of the largest in the intra-Asian chemical tanker segment, both by tonnage and by number of vessels

In 1990, the Company became the first shipping company in Indonesia that listed its shares on Jakarta Stock Exchange and Surabaya Stock Exchange. The company is also listed in Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited starting the third quarter of 2006. The Company has extensive international networks in terms of operation, sales and marketing. In addition to operational offices in Jakarta, Singapore, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Taiwan, Shanghai, and Beijing, the Company also operates marketing offices in Dubai to serve Middle East customers, and Glasgow, to serve European customers.

Holding to the motto of “Delivers with Safety, Competitiveness and Timeliness”, the Company has always been committed to quality service for all its customers. This commitment quality has let to the implementation of International Safety Management Code/ISM Code as well as achievement of ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certifications. All these support the Company in developing its future business.

To support the company growth, we are looking for competent individuals to joint with our professional team

Shipping Agency Staff - Jakarta Raya

Ensuring agency services operational run smoothly
Preparing all documentation needed prior vessel arrival
Monitoring vessel movement
Monitoring Local Agent Performance
Monitoring third party supplier’s services


Min. Diploma from Maritime Academy
Min. 1 year experience in similar position (fresh graduate are welcome to apply)
Age between 22 – 30 years old
Proficiency in English both spoken and written
Good interpersonal and communication skill
Detail oriented & well organized
High driven, self motivated and proactive

Internal Media Officer - Jakarta Raya

Preparing monthly internal bulletin
Handling library daily activities
Handling design for internal event/programme
Updating internal portal


Bachelor Degree from reputable university
Age between 22 - 30 years old
Proficiency in English both spoken and written
Good writing and designing skill
Abe to work in team as well as independently

If you meet the requirements send your CV to :

Email: recruitment@blt.co.id

Or by mail to

PT. Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk
Wisma BSG 5th Floor
Jl Abdul Muis No 40


Guntner Indonesia

Guntner Indonesia is one of the leading multinational companies in Indonesia, and being a part of Güntner-Group. As one of the leading companies worldwide in the sector of heat transfer technology, the Güntner-Group is present on all continents with production sites as well as Güntner affiliated and non-affiliated sales and service companies

One of the major reasons for the successful development and worldwide expansion of the Güntner-Group are the long years of experience and our commitment to the personal and professional growth of each team member. By constantly striving for improvement and progress, the Güntner-Group is able to guarantee its customers and business partner’s continuous and lasting success.

To support our business growth, we invite highly motivated, dynamic, and open-minded individuals to join our dynamic team to establish our company as market leader position as:

Quality Management Staff
Jawa Timur - Pasuruan


The incumbent of this position is dealing withquality control activities based Guentner Indonesia Management System to enhance the customer satisfaction


Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, Engineering (Mechanical), Electrical or equivalent.
Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia
At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
Have Knowledge of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and Material.
Have in depth knowledge in welding. Welding inspector certified is preferred
Having knowledge in material metallurgy and statistical quality analysis.
Possess strong communication skills, problem solving, follow through actions and decisions with sense of urgency, punctuality and ready to work under pressure to meet deadlines and targets with sudden changes environment.
Strong work commitment with the ability to work independently and be self driven.
Strong analytical skills with the ability to think and plan ahead.
Full-Time position(s) available.
Applicants must be willing to work in Pasuruan.

If you possess the above requirements, please send your application letter together with CV (In English) and recent photograph by stating the position code in the subject of the email no later than two weeks after this advertisement to:


Sigma Cipta Caraka

Sigma Cipta Caraka (telkomsigma), a member of Telkom Group, a market leader in providing information technology solutions, with more that 20 years of experience in delivering complex, mission critical system to Indonesia and global markets. To support our rapid growth, we are inviting talented people to enter the new level of experience to grow and achieve the success together.

RPG Programmer
Banten - Bumi Serpong Damai


Bachelor's Degree from IT or equivalent.
Good knowledge of AS 400 programming language such as RPG III and RPG IV (ILE)
Good knowledge of DB 400, SQL and Query
At least 2 years of working experience in the related field.
Willing to be placed in Bumi Serpong Damai.
5 Full-Time positions available.


Hess Corporation

Hess Corporation aspires to be the leading global independent energy company. We attract and motivate highly talented people who embrance their work wit a passion to be the best. Hess Corporation has offices in 18 countries across six continents. The company's headquarters is in New York City, with key regional headquarters in Huston, London, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Woodbridge, NJ.

Currently we have a position open in our Jakarta office as Geographic Information System Analyst (08018).

GIS Analyst – Global GIS Support Team

This GIS Analyst role provides basic to intermediate-level GIS support to Asia-Pacific business groups, as a member of the Global GIS Support Team. This position reports to the Team Lead for Global GIS Support in Houston, but will also give assistance and back-up to the GIS Specialist in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and others within the Global GIS Group.

The primary responsibilities of this position are to:
• Provide first tier GIS support to GIS users in the business – demonstrate the proper use of ArcGIS software and tools, answer user-questions, troubleshoot problems with software and data, and work with users to develop GIS workflows to perform GIS analysis for moderately complex business situations.
• Provide spatial data management support using standard processes and methodologies set by the Global GIS Data Management Team.
• Conduct local training, either for small groups or one-on-one, in the use of ArcGIS Desktop and other ArcGIS technology tools.
• Understand and provide guidance for spatial data management at the user level. Work with the business groups to adhere to Hess Global GIS/Spatial data management standards.


Education, Training & Experience:
Educated to Bachelors degree level in GIS + 2 years Work Experience*:
- Bachelor degree in Geographic Information System or Geography/Geodecy and/or Geomatic Engineering with concentration/Program Study in Geographic Information System
- Or Associate/Diploma Level Degree with GIS Certification
- 2 years of related work experience*
*GIS Internship experience can be included in work experience.
- High level proficiency in English (direct report to Team Leader based in Houston)

• Use of Esri ArcGIS Desktop Suite - minimum experience - 3 years, more is preferred.
• Esri ArcGIS Server administration + SDE – a plus
• Strong understanding of Esri GIS and Esri GIS technology, including the use of remote sensing and imagery data types.
• Strong understanding of differences and interactions of GIS and CAD, and the ability to communicate the difference to business people, including GIS users.
• Strong understanding of geodetics, surveying, and positioning, and implications of not using correct geodetics.
• Knowledge of the petroleum business use of GIS, use of GIS in utilities, or pipeline GIS. (desirable, but not required)

Other Requirements:
Travel: Must be qualified and willing to travel within Asia-Pacific region, and outside, e.g., Australia, USA, UK, etc., in order to attend business meetings, training, and provide user support.
Language: Having to work closely with team members and direct supervisor from other countries, high level of proficiency in written and verbal English is a must.

For more information and to apply online, please visit http://www.hess.com/careers and search E&P Jobs no later than 2 April 2012. Put the number you wish to apply in job number box in search criteria page. Please upload your resume and answer the eligibility question truthfully as this will be your requirements to apply. For those of you who do not upload your resume and complete the eligibility question, your application will not be identified as valid application and will not be processed.

Currently we have a position open as Community Development Officer (08009).
Located in the Onshore Processing Facility in Gresik, Surabaya, the employment status of this position is Third party Contractor.


1. Provide technical supports in annual and quarter planning, implementing and monitoring SR programs
2. Provide management support and advice in seeking collaboration with appropriate institutions or non government organizations (NGOs) to advance the delivery of SR program initiatives
3. Lead and deliver the approved CD programs within budget and time planning
4. Report directly to CDCR Coordinator at Gresik; weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual report
5. Provide support in communicating SR plan with CR function and any respected function within Hess organization
6. Provide supports to the rest of team in handling any social issues, as part of CDCR team
7. Ensure all SR program comply with ED 26 and ED 28

Technical competencies:

• Bachelor degree/S1 in related field of social science, community development with 4 years experience in development work in rural and urban communities; or
• Relevant University degree with 8-10 years of comprehensive experience in development work in both divers and remote environments

Non-technical competencies:

• Project management skill
• Self management to work independently
• Logical thinking with sound judgment and problem solver
• Community empowerment focus
• Mature personality
• Communication skill
• Conflict Resolution

Basic skill:

Fluency in English (speaking and writing) and local language (preferable). Microsoft office basic skill, MS Project (preferable)


• Facilitating local stakeholders, especially communities and society groups
• Managing community development
• Has experience in working in East Java coastal area (preferably)
• A minimum of 4 years experience in a similar role in oil and gas company (KKKS) will be a plus

For more information and to apply online, please visit http://www.hess.com/careers and search E&P Jobs no later than 28 March 2012. Put the number you wish to apply in job number box in search criteria page. Please upload your resume and answer the eligibility question truthfully as this will be your requirements to apply. For those of you who do not upload your resume and complete the eligibility question, your application will not be identified as valid application and will not be processed.


Trans TV

Trans TV (Televisi Transformasi Indonesia) is an Indonesian national television station based in South Jakarta. Owned by Chairul Tanjung, it began broadcasting on 15 December 2001. The station is similar to other commercial stations, showing news, movies, drama series, variety shows, quiz shows, and children's programs.

Trans TV programming includes variety shows such as Extravaganza, the Dorce Show (hosted by Dorce Gamalama) and Indonesian versions of Thank God You're Here (Akhirnya Datang Juga) and The Gong Show. It also broadcasts religious programs, movies, gossip shows soap operas and regular news.

Breakthrough and live your dream. Join ourinnovative and imaginative Trans TV Team. Our company is one of the prestigious rapidly growing televisions and aims to be one of the best TV stations in Indonesia. Trans TV offers a challenging career with many opportunities for growth and excitement. We invite you to join us in the following positions:

Job Title : Audioman
Education Requirement : Min D3 -
Education Discipline : ANY MAJOR
GPA min. :
Work Location : JAKARTA
Marital Status : Single
Experience : 0 year
Age : 20-30 years old
Sex : MALE
Expired date : 2012-03-31

Job Title : Broadcast Support
Education Requirement : Min D3 -
GPA min. : 2.75
Work Location : JAKARTA
Marital Status : Single
Experience : 0 year
Age : 20-30 years old
Sex : MALE
Posted date : 2012-02-28 18:30:41
Expired date : 2012-03-31

Job Title : Camera Person
Education Requirement : Min D3 - S1 -
Education Discipline : ANY MAJOR
GPA min. :
Work Location : JAKARTA
Marital Status : Single
Experience : 0 year
Age : 20-30 years old
Expired date : 2012-03-31

Job Title : Collection Admin Staff
Education Requirement : Min S1 -
Education Discipline : ANY MAJOR
GPA min. :
Work Location : JAKARTA
Marital Status : Single
Experience : 0 year
Age : 20-30 years old
Sex : MALE
Expired date : 2012-03-31

Job Title : Computer Graphic Program
Education Requirement : Min S1 -
Education Discipline : DESIGN
GPA min. :
Work Location : JAKARTA
Marital Status : Single
Experience : 1 year
Age : 20-30 years old
Sex : MALE
Expired date : 2012-03-31

Job Title : Computer Graphic Promo
Education Requirement : Min S1 -
Education Discipline : DESIGN
GPA min. :
Work Location : JAKARTA
Marital Status : Single
Experience : 1 year
Age : 20-30 years old
Sex : MALE
Expired date : 2012-03-31

Job Title : Finance Operation Staff
Education Requirement : Min S1 -
Education Discipline : MANAGEMENT
GPA min. :
Work Location : JAKARTA
Marital Status : Single
Experience : 0 year
Age : 20-30 years old
Sex : MALE
Expired date : 2012-03-31

Job Title : Inventory
Education Requirement : Min D3 -
GPA min. : 2.75
Work Location : JAKARTA
Marital Status : Single
Experience : 0 year
Age : 20-30 years old
Sex : MALE
Posted date : 2012-02-28 18:32:03
Expired date : 2012-03-31

Job Title : Editor
Education Requirement : Min D3 -
Education Discipline : ANY MAJOR
GPA min. :
Work Location : JAKARTA
Marital Status : Single
Experience : 0 year
Age : 20-30 years old
Sex : MALE
Expired date : 2012-03-31


Melakukan penyuntingan gambar, audio dan grafis
Melakukan quality control terhadap materi yang sudah di edit sehingga layak tayang

Job Title : Inhouse Budget Staff
Education Requirement : Min S1 -
Education Discipline : ACCOUNTING
GPA min. :
Work Location : JAKARTA
Marital Status : Single
Experience : 0 year
Age : 20-30 years old
Sex : MALE
Expired date : 2012-03-31

Job Title : Media Planner
Education Requirement : Min S1 -
Education Discipline : ANY MAJOR
GPA min. :
Work Location : JAKARTA
Marital Status : Single/married
Experience : 1 year
Age : 20-30 years old
Expired date : 2012-03-31

Job Title : Promo Producer
Education Requirement : Min S1 -
Education Discipline : ANY MAJOR
GPA min. :
Work Location : JAKARTA
Marital Status : Single
Experience : 1 year
Age : 20-30 years old
Sex : MALE
Expired date : 2012-03-31

Job Title : Reporter
Education Requirement : Min S1 -
Education Discipline : ANY MAJOR
GPA min. :
Work Location : JAKARTA
Marital Status : Single
Experience : 0 year
Age : 20-30 years old
Expired date : 2012-03-31

Job Title : Staff Upm
Education Requirement : Min S1 -
GPA min. :
Work Location : Jakarta
Marital Status : Single
Experience : 0 year
Age : 20-30 years old
Sex : MALE
Expired date : 2012-03-31

Job Title : Voice Over
Education Requirement : Min D3 -
Education Discipline : ANY MAJOR
GPA min. :
Work Location : JAKARTA
Marital Status : Single
Experience : 0 year
Age : 20-30 years old
Expired date : 2012-03-31

Job Title : R/o Staff
Education Requirement : Min S1 -
GPA min. : 2.75
Work Location : JAKARTA
Marital Status : Single
Experience : 0 year
Age : 20-30 years old
Posted date : 2012-02-17 10:31:30
Expired date : 2012-03-31

Important Notice

Always cross check any kind information you receive through e-mail, SMS or phone calls with information in your account at http://karir.transtv.co.id/index.php/application_status
Applicant who intentionally makes more than one (1) account for the purpose to incorrectly manipulate this recruitment system will be subject to termination once such action is discovered before and or after employment.
Trans TV will not charge the applicant with any fees in this recruitment program.

If you are interested, please apply to : Lowongan Trans TV (src : karir.transtv.co.id)